company history

Find out what makes Lyman & Sheets the company that it is. Learn about our Company history from its start over 120 years ago.

  • 1874

    The start of something big

    The Lyman & Sheets Insurance Agency was formed in Michigan by the state’s first insurance commissioner in 1874.

  • 1960

    Re-branded as Lyman & Sheets

    The Lyman & Sheets Insurance Agency takes its present name from those of Richard P. Lyman and L. Dale Sheets who combined their insurance agencies in 1960.

  • 1972

    Mr. Lyman Exits the Business

    In 1972, Mr. Lyman sold his shares in the business to Mr. Sheets.

  • 1984

    A New Generation Takes Over

    During the 70’s and early 80’s Mr. Sheets expanded his insurance operation until 1984, when he sold the business to his two sons, Andrew and Michael.

  • 1992

    David Drayton Joins the Team

    In 1992, Lyman & Sheets purchased the Grover-Pearson Agency. The acquisition added David A. Drayton to the leadership team.

how can we help you?

Let Lyman & Sheets help you navigate the insurance landscape.

When I arrived 15 minutes after receiving a call about a fire at our business, I was amazed to see Dave Drayton already on the scene and in contact with our carrier. He and his team saw us through the entire claim and rebuild process, and we received a very fair settlement. This is a good example of why we use Lyman & Sheets for our insurance needs.

Joseph P. Maguire
, Wolverine Development Corporation

We can help with all of your insurance needs.